A Bit About Myself

I started this blog in order to document my trip to Scotland
but shortly after starting the blog I lost my job in a reduction in force.
This blog then served to keep me sane during my 1+ year of unemployment.
I have had a job since August, which I have enjoyed very much but I have missed blogging,
so it is time to start up again.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Birds

When I left for a walk with my dogs this afternoon, it was muggy and warm.  By the time I made it from my garage to the backyard it was getting pretty cold.  Also the little black birds that have been hanging around since the summer were acting a little odd:

Since it has just gotten colder and the rain/wind has picked up, I guess they were telling me something.
While filming the birds I thought I would try to take a picture of the blooms on my oak tree.  However the wind was blowing so much it messed up my shots.

Like always Vegas caught sight of the camera and decided she also needed her picture.  You can see her eyes again.  I trimmed the hair from her eyes a couple of days ago, so she can see again.

I spent the rest of the day reading and writing at the library.  It ended up a bit emotional.  First I read a article on the survivors of Titanic that had me tearing up.  Then I moved onto journal writing and I had a list of questions I was suppose to answer about myself and that kept me at a heighten emotional state.  I finished up my library visit with working on my book.  I started writing a book back in January but had so much going on in February that I only now had a day where I could write again.  Part of what I wrote about today was my house being broken into during my 2nd year of teaching.  It really changed me, more than I think even I realized.   ADT commercials have it right it is more than just the things that are destroyed or stolen.  By the time I left the library I was starving and emotionally exhausted. 

But then, just as I thought I was done being emotional for the day, I finished watching Big Love and the last episode had me in tears.  I can't catch a break.

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