A Bit About Myself

I started this blog in order to document my trip to Scotland
but shortly after starting the blog I lost my job in a reduction in force.
This blog then served to keep me sane during my 1+ year of unemployment.
I have had a job since August, which I have enjoyed very much but I have missed blogging,
so it is time to start up again.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bad couple of days

I occasionally have a string of bad days or events that happen back to back. 

You know like getting pulled over for running a stop sign and getting home only to have my Westie choke on stuffing  or getting sick while helping with TAKS, losing your job, and then getting really sick.  The last couple of days have been a string of bad days. 

 First, I have been having allergy problems due to all of the pollen in the air. 

Second, my pup Memphis had a choking incident and then somehow hurt the bottom skin of his eye (he is my baby so that counts too). 

 Third, I end up driving home in a horrible storm (granted that one was my decision, but I was eager to get home, I just did not know I would drive through the worse part of it). 

 Fourth, I get distracted and leave my house for the first time in years, sans make-up or doing my hair (it may sound vain, but I strive to look at least decent when I leave the house, because you never know who you will run into). 

Fifth, I slam my ring finger in the door while dropping off my library books; it hurt like the devil. 

Sixth, I show up for babysitting only to find out minutes after driving the 20 minutes to get there, that the job is cancelled  (luckily the pay for travel). 

Seventh, I start to develop a small cough (I have asthma and a little cough can turn bad fast). 

 Eighth,I decided to stop by the library to see if I can pick up the books I reserved late in the day, I was hoping they had not been pulled from the shelves yet, but they were no where to be found. 

 Ninth, I wake up congested and figure it is just allergies. 

 Tenth, I am having trouble seeing clearly so I cancel my babysitting job for the evening. 

 Eleventh, I begin to start sneezing and nearly throw out my neck,  this one has not stopped. 

Twelfth, I start to have chills despite having warm skin, "Great Now I am really sick and have no insurance!" 

Thirteenth, I find out I locked Vegas out of the house; I never let them out my themselves (guilt).

  Fourteenth I am now burning up but because I was sick I did not get laundry done and only have winter pajamas left. 

 Fifteenth, I have to mow soon, and I can barely breath.  

 Sixteenth, my toilet flusher broke and now I need to repair it, I know how but it means venturing out into fresh air. 

Seventeenth, there is a HOA meeting Sunday and once again it is on the same night as my Sunday babysitting job, which means missing the last hour to hour and a half of the meeting (the meeting is Three Hours Long.  This one is important because we have a poor HOA board and we have had a fight on our hands getting a new board in place.

I really hope things start looking up soon.  I could really use some good luck. 

Here is to a better day tomorrow!!

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