A Bit About Myself

I started this blog in order to document my trip to Scotland
but shortly after starting the blog I lost my job in a reduction in force.
This blog then served to keep me sane during my 1+ year of unemployment.
I have had a job since August, which I have enjoyed very much but I have missed blogging,
so it is time to start up again.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Good Day

I finished reading The Hunger Games trilogy last night (I plan to start reading it a second time tonight).  I was extremely excited that my favorite character lived, so I decided to celebrate and go see The Hunger Games at the local movie theater.  The first time I saw the movie I barely shed a tear at any of the sad spots.  It may have been because I was exhausted from the Pioneer Woman signing but spots where I would normally cry saw no tears (I mainly cry when I see others crying on the screen,  Cedric's father seeing his dead son in HP is very hard for me to watch).  I guess since I have read the story and feel connected to the characters now I got a tad emotional today (though not as a emotional as the lady behind me a few rows that started sobbing).  The second someone on the screen was upset I was tearing up, but I don't mind crying because I think it is good for your soul.  The audience was a pretty good audience too, since it was mostly families. 

After I left the theater, I ran some errands and headed home.  I started doing my own version on the Dukan Diet a few weeks ago and so far I have been very successful.  So successful in fact that when I see carbs and sugar I tend to just look the other way.  Tonight I decided to fix a small steak with a veggie rather than stop for chicken or pizza (I was very proud of myself for resisting temptation).  I experimented with my sauteed spinach tonight and it turned out really well.  While I got dinner started I also spray painted my lawn chairs a pretty blue-gray, something I had been meaning to take care of for months.  I got lucky and bought the last two cans at Home Depot. 

I wanted to just relax the rest of the evening but it is Sunday and that means trash day.  While I was taking the trash and recycling out to the street I looked up at the tree in my front yard.  Last spring a large rat snake was found in that tree so I have been avoiding it (I cringe when I have to mow under it).  I noticed something sitting high up in the tree and when I got closer I noticed it was a dove sitting on a nest.  One of the reasons I hated the snake last spring so much was that it had eaten one of the doves that was living in my tree, seeing this one living in the tree, taking care of the nest, just felt amazing.  However taking pictures was not that easy. 

In the end I am exhausted and ready for bed (after all I have a interview tomorrow and need my sleep), but it was still a pretty great day.

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