A Bit About Myself

I started this blog in order to document my trip to Scotland
but shortly after starting the blog I lost my job in a reduction in force.
This blog then served to keep me sane during my 1+ year of unemployment.
I have had a job since August, which I have enjoyed very much but I have missed blogging,
so it is time to start up again.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Family Road Trip

This past weekend, my parents, sister, their dogs, me and my dogs all took a bit of a hill country road trip. We started by heading to Cooper's Barbeque in Llano and picked up food to take to a park near Buchanan Dam. The plan was to have a picnic lunch and then take my sister's dog and my two dogs swimming. It was a bit of a hike from the picnic area to the beach (the lake still has not recovered from the drought). My sister's dog loved swimming and Memphis enjoyed wading in the water, but Vegas was not fond of it. ~~ I would have taken pictures but my camera was in the van and I did not want to hike back to get it.~~~

After that we drove through one of the local state parks and then headed to Burnet to see my Great Aunt. All this driving around was a long day for four dogs that are use to sleeping in the afternoon.

See now I remembered to get my camera out.

This is Memphis after I started to take pictures.  He had no where to run so he went to the corner and hid his face.

The plan was to cross the highway to get a better picture but there were so many cars.

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