Even my little tree was blowing in the wind quite a bit. Here it is without the wind blowing.
Here it is when the wind started to pick up, several times it would bend until it was nearly touching the ground.
In the end it rained for all of 5 minutes and not even enough to register on my rain gauge. I ended up heading to babysitting, thinking I may be coming home in a storm. Whenever it is suppose to rain in central Texas I always seem to be driving home from babysitting in the middle of it.
It ended up a really quiet evening both inside and out. Babysitting consisted of only 4 kids and most were older, so the evening was very calm compared to the 17 kids from last Tuesday. We also had a new addition to the group in the form of a 4 month old dachshund puppy. He was cute as a button and tons of fun to play with for me and the kids. The pastor was going to take him home but left him for us to play with instead.
He is in a tug-a-war phase and when we would take away his toy he would play with our clothes instead. First it was my shirt, which was a lose fitting shirt I wear for babysitting because a little girl put orange crayon on it last summer. Toward the end we had to take away his toy for good, when he started shredding it and my bell bottom jeans became the new target. I now have a small hole in them from the constant play. I couldn't get mad though because he is too adorable. I don't like these jeans much anyways.
One the ride home there was lightening in the distance and my IPOD started to play one of the songs from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II. It was very appropriate music with the lightening flashing across the night sky.
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